Discovery of Nine Plants in Western Ghats

Nine new plants have been discovered in the Western Ghats in just four months.

Key Findings

  • Six species including two balsams, two shrubs belonging to the mint family (Lamiaceae), a herb of the coffee family (Rubiaceae) and 10-cm-tall Sonerila, a flowering plant commonly found in the tropics, have been discovered.
  • Impatiens Saulierea is one of the new balsam species, which the researchers discovered from wet, rocky surfaces in Kakkayam’s evergreen forests.
  • Another balsam, Impatiens Josephia, is found in Kerala’s Idukki district where it grows on wet slopes of evergreen forests.
  • In Idukki district’s Kulamavu evergreen forests, a herb that belongs to the ....
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