Post-Mauryan and Pre-Gupta Period

The Sungas (185-73 BCE)

  • The Sungas worked under the Maurya Kings as officials. They hailed from Ujjain and the dynasty was founded by Pushyamitra Sunga in 185 BCE.
  • Pushyamitra was a keen supporter of Brahmanism and is known to have undertaken the performance of the ‘asvamedha’ or horse sacrifice, a Vedic ritual symbolizing royal glory.
  • He was succeeded by his son Agnimitra (hero of Kalidasa’s Malvikagnimitra).
  • The most profound record amongst Shunga Kings is of Muladeva. He was described as ‘Lord of Kosala’ in Ayodhya inscription.
  • The Last Sunga king was Devabhuti and the dynasty collapsed in 73 BCE.

The ....

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