Judicial Reforms under British
Judicial reforms by Warren Hastings
- Before dual administration in Bengal, the justice system was king-centric as the nawab was the chief administrator of justice.
- Warren Hastings decided to reform the corrupt system. Each district was provided with a civil court under the Collector and a criminal court under an Indian Judge.
- To hear appeals from the district courts two appellate courts, one for civil cases and another for criminal cases, were established at Calcutta.
- The highest civil court of appeal was called Sadar Diwani Adalat, which was to be presided over by the Governor and two judges recruited from ....
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- 1 Post-Independence- Major Landmark Events
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- 3 Civil Services under British
- 4 Police Reform under British
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History of India and The World
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- 2 Constitutional Evolution before Independence- Charter Acts, Indian Council Acts etc.
- 3 Civil Services under British
- 4 Police Reform under British
- 5 Status of Education and Press Under British Rule
- 6 Nationalist Movements Outside India
- 7 Peasant Revolt
- 8 Tribal Movements
- 9 Socio-Religious Movements
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