Mauryan Period (321 BCE to 185 BCE)


  • Mauryan empire flourished over the Kingdom of Magadha (modern districts of Patna, Gaya, Nalanda and parts of Shahabad in the present-day State of Bihar). It was one of the most powerful Mahajanapadas (out of 16).
  • One of the earlier important rulers of Magadha was Bimbisara (contemporary of Buddha). From Bimbisara, the reign passed onto Ajatshatru (his son). It was Ajatshatru, under whom the first Buddhist council was held.
  • They were succeeded by Shishunaga dynasty, which was ultimately usurped by the Nanda dynasty (founded by Mahapadma Nanda). Dhana Nanda, the last king of Magadha, was overthrown by Chandragupta ....

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