Socio-Economic Data/Indicators
As per Census 2011, Jammu and Kashmir (including Ladakh) had population of 1.25 Crores, an increase from figure of 1.01 Crore in 2001 census. Of 1.25 crores, male and female are 6,640,662 and 5,900,640 respectively.
- District with highest population are Jammu (1529958); Srinagar (1236829); and Anantnag (1078692).
- The 2011 population density was 146 people per square kilometer, and the literacy rate was 67.16%.
- The population of Jammu and Kashmir has increased by 23.64% in previous decade compared (2001-2011) to past decade (1991-2001).
- The report from Sample Registration Survey provides life expectancy at birth for year 2002-06 and 2010-14 for J&K ....
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PSCs Prelims Special
- 1 Madhya Pradesh at a Glance
- 2 Geography of Madhya Pradesh
- 3 History, Culture and Literature of Madhya Pradesh
- 4 Governor of Rajasthan
- 5 Chief Minister of Rajasthan
- 6 State Council of Ministers
- 7 Rajasthan Legislative Assembly
- 8 Rajasthan High Court
- 9 District Administration in Rajasthan
- 10 Local Self Government in Rajasthan