Explain the jurisdiction of Allahabad High Court and highlight its features. - (CSCE March 2025)
Discuss the role of Self Help Groups (SHGs) in empowering the social and economic status of rural women in Uttar Pradesh. - (CSCE March 2025)
Describe the major Buddhist and Jain sites located in Uttar Pradesh. - (CSCE March 2025)
What are the major challenges in the social and economic empowerment of tribal communities of Uttar Pradesh? - (CSCE March 2025)
Discuss the historical significance of major ancient cities of Uttar Pradesh such as Kashi, Mathura, Ayodhya and Kanpur. - (CSCE March 2025)
What steps can be taken to improve the public policy and public participation in Uttar Pradesh? Discuss it in the context of corruption prevention and administrative reforms. - (CSCE March 2025)
What are the major reasons for the spread of insurgency in Uttar Pradesh? Mention the major impacts of insurgency in the state. - (CSCE March 2025)
Review the role of the Uttar Pradesh government in ensuring the protection of civil rights. - (CSCE March 2025)
What is the contribution of startups and innovation in the socio-economic development of Uttar Pradesh? - (CSCE March 2025)
“Maha Kumbh Mela is important not only from religious but also from cultural and economic point of view.” Analyze this statement. - (CSCE March 2025)
“There is a clear imbalance in the industrial development of Uttar Pradesh.” Assess the causes of this imbalance and suggest suitable solutions to achieve regional balance. - (CSCE March 2025)
What are the main obstacles in terms of investment in Uttar Pradesh? Describe the policy reforms undertaken by the state government to remove these obstacles. - (CSCE March 2025)
Assess the need to maintain a balance between renewable and non-renewable energy resources for sustainable use and management of energy in Uttar Pradesh. - (CSCE March 2025)
Commercialization of agriculture in Uttar Pradesh can prove to be helpful in making agriculture profitable, but can it have a negative impact on small and medium farmers? - (CSCE March 2025)
Evaluate the efforts to diversify the agricultural sector in Uttar Pradesh. Also, discuss the major factors affecting agricultural production in the state and suggest measures for its improvement. - (CSCE March 2025)
Discuss the key provisions of Uttar Pradesh Digital Media Policy, 2024. Also identify the major challenges and opportunities arising due to the increasing use of digital media in the state. - (CSCE March 2025)
Analyze the importance of mineral resources in Uttar Pradesh and the major problems associated with their mining. - (CSCE March 2025)
Analyze the objectives and functions of Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board. - (CSCE March 2025)
Evaluate the efforts made in the field of science and technology in Uttar Pradesh. Which policies and programs have been effective for the development of science and technology in the state? - (CSCE March 2025)
What can be the contribution of Public Private Partnership (PPP) in achieving the developmental goals of the Government of Uttar Pradesh? What policy-making aspects need to be paid attention to for the effective implementation of this partnership? - (CSCE March 2025)
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