Industries and Infrastructure Development

Major Industries


  • Horticulture sector contributes about 6-7% to the GSDP and is employing 35 lakh people directly/indirectly supporting about 7 lakhs families.
  • The area under major horticulture crops increased by 10000 Ha (3%) from 3.35 lakh hectares in 2020-21 to 3.45 lakh hectares in 2023-24, while the overall production of recorded a growth of 4.13 LMT (18.50%) in the same period.
  • District-wise area under horticulture (top 3) – Anantnag (9.33% or 32156000 Ha); Baramulla (8.82% or 30398900 Ha); and Kupwara (8.46% or 29167590 Ha).
  • Species wise area under horticulture (top 3) – Apple (49.94% or 172140 Ha); Walnut (25.08% ....
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