Mission Indradhanush is a potential game changer which can produce far reaching gains if the challenges facing it are overcome on time. Critically analyse the statement.

Answer: In India, five lakh children die every year due to vaccine-preventable diseases; 95 lakh are at risk because theyare unimmunised or partially immunised. But immunization coverage had slowed down and it increased at the rate of 1% per year between 2009 and 2013.ToacceleratethiscoverageMissionIndradhanushwasenvisagedandimplementedsince2015torapidly increase the full immunization coverage to 90%.


  • Limited capacities of staff (vacant positions and lack of training), particularly in poor-performing states and at the field level, andgaps in key areas such as predicting demand, logistics and cold chain management , which result in high wastage rates.
  • India lacks a robust system to track vaccine ....
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