​Reforms in Southern India

Veda Samaj (1864)

  • The lecture of Keshub Chandra Sen on Brahmo Samaj in Madras (in 1864) inspired the establishment for the Veda Samaj in Chennai.
  • The Veda Samaj believed in one God and criticised the rituals of orthodox Hinduism. They worked to abolish caste distinctions, and promoted widow remarriage and women's education.
  • Chembeti Sridharalu Naidu made the Veda Samaj popular in South India. He translated Debendranath Tagore's 'Brahmo Dharma’ and books of the Veda Samaj in Telugu and Tamil.

Theosophical Society (1875)

  • The Theosophical Society was founded in New York (USA) in November 1875 by H. S. Olcott, an American ....
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