Special Category Status of States
Special Category Status (SCS) is a classification given by the Centre to assist in the development of those states that face geographical and socio-economic disadvantages.
- There is no provision of SCS in the Constitution.
Parameters (based on the Gadgil formula)
- Hilly Terrain;
- Low Population Density and/or Sizeable Share of Tribal Population;
- Strategic Location along Borders with Neighbouring Countries;
- Economic and Infrastructure Backwardness; and
- Non-viable Nature of State finances.
As per the NITI Aayog, 10 states (Jammu and Kashmir was removed) are accorded special category status –
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Assam
- Himachal Pradesh
- Manipur
- Meghalaya
- Mizoram
- Nagaland
- Sikkim
- Tripura
- Uttarakhand
Important Points
- SCS was first introduced in 1969 as a classification given by ....
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