HP Passes Bill against Forced Conversion
- The Himachal Pradesh Assembly has passed Himachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Bill, 2019 which will repeal the Himachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act, 2006.
- It prohibits conversion by misrepresentation, force, undue influence, coercion, inducement, marriage or any fraudulent means. Any marriage for the sole purpose of conversion will also be declared null and void under Section 5 of the Bill.
- As per the act, anyone seeking to convert will need to give a month’s notice to the district magistrate, stating that the person is converting on his own.
- The priest who performs conversion ceremony will also give a month’s notice in advance. Those ....
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News Snippets
- 1 India and Mauritania Sign MoUs
- 2 India-Laos Bilateral Ties
- 3 Germany Grants India Special Status for Military Purchases
- 4 SCO ‘Heads of Government’ (HoG) Meeting
- 5 India-UAE Bilateral Investment Treaty
- 6 Brazil opts out of BRI
- 7 First Hatching of Great Indian Bustard through Artificial Insemination
- 8 Asiatic Golden Cat
- 9 X-Band Radar
- 10 New Potter Wasp Species Discovered