Jyotiba Phule

Recently 130th death anniversary of Jyotiba Phule was observed in 2020.

  • Jyotirao ‘Jyotiba’ Govindrao Phule was a prominent social reformer and thinker of the nineteenth century India. He was born in Satara district of Maharashtra in 1827. His family belonged to 'mali' caste of gardeners and vegetable farmers.
  • At the age of thirteen years, Jyotirao was married to Savitribai.
  • After reading Thomas Paine's famous book 'The Rights of Man' (1791), Jyotirao was greatly influenced by his ideas. He believed that enlightenment of the women and lower caste people were the only solution to combat the social evils.
  • He was bestowed with the title of ....
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