Aurora: A Celestial Majesty
- Aurora is a natural display of light sometimes shimmers in the Earth’s sky and predominantly seen in high altitude regions (around the Arctic and Antarctic area).
- It is concentrated around the polar zones of the Earth’s surface, depicting a gigantic oval shape called ‘auroral oval’.
- The phenomena of aurora can be classified into two categories based on its location of occurrence.
- It is called Aurora Borealis or the Northern Lights in the Arctic Circle, while its counterpart in the Antarctic Circle is called Aurora Australis or Southern Lights.
- The term ‘aurora borealis’ was first coined by Galileo in 1619.
- The charged particles of solar wind ....
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Govt. Magazines Exam Pointers
- 1 India’s Transformational Leap
- 2 Reaping India's Demographic Dividend
- 3 Vision and Roadmap for Science and Technology
- 4 India’s Emergence as a Hub of Knowledge and Technology
- 5 2024: The Year of India's Strategic Emergence
- 6 Making Indian Agriculture Future Ready
- 7 Government Initiatives on Climate Change
- 8 Milestones and Initiatives in Science and Technology
- 9 Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
- 10 Skilling India: Empowering the Workforce