Meo Muslims
- The Meos are the inhabitants of Mewat, a region spread across the states of Haryana, Rajasthan and a few areas of western Uttar Pradesh.
- The word ‘Meo’ is used to describe those who might have been the aboriginal population from the hills and may have links to the Meena tribal group.
- They were appointed chieftains by the rulers of Delhi during the Mughal period.
- The Meos have been actively participated in the 1857 revolt and the entire community was declared a “criminal tribe” under the Criminal Tribes Act of 1871, as a punishment.
- Meos follow syncretic religious traditions. They even ....
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News Snippets
- 1 India Internet Governance Forum
- 2 Amrit Gyaan Kosh Portal
- 3 RuTAG 2.0
- 4 'Rashtraparv' Website & Mobile App
- 5 Henderson Doctrine
- 6 Variable Rate Repo Auction (VRR)
- 7 Trade Receivables Electronic Discounting System (TReDS)
- 8 Rajmarg Saathi
- 9 Khorlochhu Hydro Plant
- 10 NHAI Contractor Rating System