Women Odhuvars
- Recently, Tamil Nadu government has appointed women Odhuvars in temples.
- Odhuvars are devotional singers dedicated to Siva Temples.
- They sing the sacred Thevaram hymns as musical offerings to the Deity as part of the structured temple worship.
- Rigorous training in the Thirumurai texts and Thevaram music is imparted to them at an early age.
- They have to sing from the Thirumurai during each puja and also during special functions and festivals.
- In the past, they were supported with honorariums by Kings.
- Thevaram are hymns sung by Saivite Saints roughly 1,300 years ago.
- Thevaram denotes the first seven volumes of the ....
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News Snippets
- 1 India Internet Governance Forum
- 2 Amrit Gyaan Kosh Portal
- 3 RuTAG 2.0
- 4 'Rashtraparv' Website & Mobile App
- 5 Henderson Doctrine
- 6 Variable Rate Repo Auction (VRR)
- 7 Trade Receivables Electronic Discounting System (TReDS)
- 8 Rajmarg Saathi
- 9 Khorlochhu Hydro Plant
- 10 NHAI Contractor Rating System