Biological Diversity Act 2002
The Biodiversity Act - 2002 primarily addresses issues of conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of biological resources in the country, issue related to access to genetic resources and associated knowledge and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from utilization of biological resources to the country and its people.
Salient Features
- To regulate access to biological resources of the country with equitable share in benefits arising out of the use of biological resources.
- To conserve and sustainably use biological diversity.
- To set up National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) , State Biodiversity Board(SBB) and Biodiversity Management Committees (BMC’s)
- To create National, State and local ....
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Ecology & Environment
- 1 Wildlife Conservation Projects in India
- 2 Environmental Pollution
- 3 Environmental Conventions
- 4 Global Conventions
- 5 Environment in Brief
- 6 Organisms and Their Environment
- 7 Ecosystem Functioning
- 8 Types of Biomes
- 9 Levels of Biological Organization and Diversity
- 10 Biodiversity Hotspots of India