'Faraday Medal' for MIMO Wireless Technology
- In October 2023, Stanford University Emeritus Professor 'Arogyaswami Paulraj', a top Indian-American scientist, has been awarded the 'Faraday Medal' for the invention of MIMO Wireless.
- MIMO (Multiple In Multiple Out) wireless technology enables 4G, 5G mobile and Wi-Fi networks to deliver high-speed wireless access.
- MIMO uses multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver in a wireless link, along with signal encoding at the transmitter and decoding at the receiver, to increase wireless data rates.
- This technology will benefit 6.5 billion smartphone users and another 12 billion personal and machine-type devices by connecting them to the Internet.
- The Faraday Medal ....
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- 1 India’s Transformational Leap
- 2 Reaping India's Demographic Dividend
- 3 Vision and Roadmap for Science and Technology
- 4 India’s Emergence as a Hub of Knowledge and Technology
- 5 2024: The Year of India's Strategic Emergence
- 6 Making Indian Agriculture Future Ready
- 7 Government Initiatives on Climate Change
- 8 Milestones and Initiatives in Science and Technology
- 9 Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
- 10 Skilling India: Empowering the Workforce