- Recently, a cryonics company has frozen its first client in Australia in the hope of bringing him back to life in the future.
- Cryonics is an effort to save lives by using temperatures so cold that a person beyond help by today’s medicine can be preserved for decades or centuries until a future medical technology can restore that person to full health.
- A person that is held in such a state is called a “cryopreserved patient”, because cryonicists (the advocates of cryonics) do not regard the cryopreserved person as really dead.
- The process is initiated shortly after death, with the body being packed ....
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News Snippets
- 1 India Internet Governance Forum
- 2 Amrit Gyaan Kosh Portal
- 3 RuTAG 2.0
- 4 'Rashtraparv' Website & Mobile App
- 5 Henderson Doctrine
- 6 Variable Rate Repo Auction (VRR)
- 7 Trade Receivables Electronic Discounting System (TReDS)
- 8 Rajmarg Saathi
- 9 Khorlochhu Hydro Plant
- 10 NHAI Contractor Rating System