July 2022 Oneliner Current Affairs From Govt. News Services like PIB, AIR, etc

  • How many States in India are above replacement level of fertility (of 2.1) as per the national report of the NFHS-5? - Five - Bihar (2.98), Meghalaya (2.91), Uttar Pradesh (2.35), Jharkhand (2.26) Manipur (2.17)
  • In which six states the rate of underage marriages has increased despite national average has come down according to the fifth round of National Family Health Survey (NFHS), conducted between 2019 and 2021? - Punjab, West Bengal, Manipur, Tripura and Assam
  • Which state has seen the largest jump in marriages under the legal age of 18 years for women from 33.1% (NFHS-4) to 40.1% and from 16.2% ....
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