Agro-Ecological Regions in India

An agro-ecological zone (AEZ) is a geographic area or region characterized by specific environmental and ecological conditions that influence agricultural practices and land use. These zones are defined based on a combination of factors, including climate, soil types, topography, and other ecological features.

Major Agro-Ecological Regions

Western Himalayas, Cold Arid Eco-Region

  • Location: Northwest Himalayas, including Ladakh and Gilgit districts, covering 4.7% of India's total geographical area.
  • Climate: Mild summers and severe winters, mean annual temperature below 8°C, annual rainfall less than 150 mm.
  • Soil and Terrain: Acidic, cryic soil temperature, skeletal and calcareous soils.
  • Vegetation: Sparse forests, with vegetables dominating cultivated areas.
  • Agriculture: ....
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