April 2023 Oneliner Current Affairs From Govt. News Services like PIB, AIR, etc

  • Which programme has been announced in the Budget-2023-24 to improve availability of disease-free quality planting material for high-value horticultural crops? - Atmanirbhar Clean Plant Programme
  • Which scheme has been announced in the Budget 2023-24, wherein a package of assistance for traditional artisans and craftspeople has been conceptualized, will enable them to improve quality, scale and reach of their products, integrating with MSME value chain? - PM Vishwa Karma Kaushal Samman
  • At what per cent India’s economy will grow in 2023-24 fiscal according to the Economic Survey 2022-23? - 6.5 %
  • Which collective term has been used in Budget 2023-24 to emphasize seven ....
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