Crop Production

Geographical and Historical Aspect

  • Historical evidence suggests rice and cotton were cultivated in the Indus Valley.
  • As per Bhumivargaha, an Indian Sanskrit text, agricultural lands are classified into 12 categories: Urvara (fertile), Ushara (barren), Maru (desert), Aprahata (fallow), Shadvala (grassy), pankikala (muddy), jalaprayah (watery), kachchaha (contiguous to water), sharkara (full of pebbles and pieces of limestone), sharkaravati (sandy), nadimatruka (watered from a river), and devamatruka (rainfed).

Types of Crops and Favourable Climate


  • Temperature: Between 22-32°C with high humidity.
  • Rainfall: Around 150-300 cm.
  • Soil Type: Deep clayey and loamy soil.


  • Temperature: Between 10-15°C (Sowing time) and 21-26°C (Ripening & ....
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