Assam Launches Initiative to Educate Voters
- District election officers have been directed to reach out to the maximum number of voters in the constituencies under their jurisdiction.
- Folk song competitions, quiz programmes and appeals by celebrities are some of the initiatives being undertaken by the election office in Assam for attracting women, first-time voters, people with physical disabilities and senior citizens to cast their votes.
Aaideur Chora
- An initiative ‘Aaideur Chora’ has been taken up in collaboration with the Assam State Rural Livelihood Mission and Assam State Urban Livelihood Mission to sensitise female voters.
- A major component of the Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) is to ....
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News Snippets
- 1 India and Mauritania Sign MoUs
- 2 India-Laos Bilateral Ties
- 3 Germany Grants India Special Status for Military Purchases
- 4 SCO ‘Heads of Government’ (HoG) Meeting
- 5 India-UAE Bilateral Investment Treaty
- 6 Brazil opts out of BRI
- 7 First Hatching of Great Indian Bustard through Artificial Insemination
- 8 Asiatic Golden Cat
- 9 X-Band Radar
- 10 New Potter Wasp Species Discovered