Coronavirus Lockdown Reduced Earth’s Seismic Noise Levels
Scientists at the British Geological Survey (BGS) reported a change in the Earth’s seismic noise and vibrations amid the coronavirus lockdown. The findings have come two weeks after seismologists at the Royal Observatory in Belgium observed a 30-50 per cent fall in levels of ambient seismic noise since schools and businesses were closed in mid-March.
What is seismic noise?
- In geology, seismic noise refers to the relatively persistent vibration of the ground due to a multitude of causes.
- It is the unwanted component of signals recorded by a seismometer– the scientific instrument that records ground motions, such as those caused by ....
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Ecology & Environment
- 1 Land Degradation Threatens Earth's Future: UN Report
- 2 Ken-Betwa River Linking National Project
- 3 Nanoplastics Linked to Antibiotic Resistance Spread
- 4 India Gets 57th Tiger Reserve
- 5 Ganges River Dolphin Tagged for the First Time
- 6 Arctic Tundra Amplifying Global Warming
- 7 Declaration on Reducing Methane from Organic Waste
- 8 UNEP Launches Global Peatland Hotspot Atlas
- 9 Climate Action Declaration for Tourism at COP29
- 10 India-ISA Agreement for Solar Projects in Indo-Pacific Countries