Popular Music in India
- Popular music is a genre that has recently emerged from traditional music.
- The rules followed in popular music are less strict than those in classical music.
- The 'Freshness' or 'Newness' of music is an important element of popular music, as it aims to satisfy the masses.
- A major form of popular music is 'Natyasangeet'. The music of theater is called 'Natyasangeet', the songs are called 'Natyageet', and the theater form accompanying these songs is called 'Sangeet Natak'.
- 'Natyageet' were songs based on ragas with Marathi text. Natyageet' were embellished with 'Alap' and short, fast taunts.
- A new taal 'Gandharva Theka' ....
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