Question : How Too Much Coaching At A Time Creates Havoc For Civil Services Aspirants?

Answer :

  • Many aspirants who come for coaching, do this one mistake which becomes too risky for them. At the time of initial preparation, they decide to attend as many coaching at that time. So, they could save time from going to different institutes and also their preparation comes to quicker halt.
  • What happens is that, aspirants then run pillar to pillar in various coaching institutes attending different lectures. They jots down the notes, attend classes but at the end of day, they are too tired to even revise. And thus, they continue with the cycle for many months. At the end, when course ends, and they go back to their home town, they realize, that they have many doubts which now cannot be solved. Some of the things which they thought they understood at that time, now seem vague and ambivalent.
  • It’s like starting afresh again. Thus, aspirants seem to miss the whole point of coaching- mentoring and solving their doubts. So, it’s better to study at your pace rather to complete all the course at once. Think, how much time it will require you to study one particular course. And then go for simultaneous coaching.