Evaluate the efforts to diversify the agricultural sector in Uttar Pradesh. Also, discuss the major factors affecting agricultural production in the state and suggest measures for its improvement.

Answer: Agricultural diversification means the inclusion of different types of crops, production methods and agricultural products in the agricultural sector, which increases the sustainability, productivity and profit of agriculture. It is a way to adopt more diverse and sustainable agricultural systems, moving away from the traditional single crop system.

Evaluation of Efforts to Diversify the Agricultural Sector in Uttar Pradesh

  • Under crop diversification, the state has promoted the cultivation of pulses, oilseeds, horticulture, and high-value crops such as mango, guava, apple, and flowers.
  • The Uttar Pradesh government has implemented the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) in the state, ....
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