Later Mughals

Who ascended throne after death of Aurangzeb?

-- Prince Mauzam, Bahadur Shah

Who made reconciliation with Guru Gobind Singh and granted him high mansab?

-- Bahadur Shah

The Sikhs once raised a revolt under whose leadership?

-- Banda Bahadur

With whose help Farrukh Siyar came to power?

-- Sayyid brothers, Abdullah Khan and Hussain Ali Khan Barha– the kingmakers

Under which Battle, Nadir Shah invaded India in 1738-39?

-- The battle of Karnal, 1739

Who carried away with him the famous Koh-i-Noor diamond and the jewel studded Peacock throne of Shahjahan?

-- Nadir Shah

Who defeated Ahmad Shah Abdali at ....

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