Installed Nuclear Reactors in India

Kudankulam Nuclear Plant (KNPP)

  • Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant is located in the Tamil Nadu, Southern India.
  • It is the highest-capacity nuclear plant in India, with a total of 2,000MW currently installed with a further 2,000MW under construction.
  • The Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant, an Indo-Russian joint venture, is located at the Tirunelveli district in Tamil Nadu.
  • It has been built in collaboration with Atomstroyexport, the Russian state company and NPCIL.
  • Kudankulam is the only nuclear plant in India that uses pressurised water reactors (PWR) rather than boiling water reactors (BHWR) or pressurised heavy-water reactors (PHWR). The PWRs are based on Russian technology ....

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