

Under POSHAN Abhiyaan, achieve the following outcomes by 2022-23, compared to the baseline of 2015-16 (National Family Health Survey-4):

  • Reduce the prevalence of stunting among children to 25 per cent or less. Reduce the prevalence of underweight in children (0-6 years) to 25 per cent or less.
  • Reduce the prevalence of anaemia among young children (6-59 months) to 43 per cent or less.
  • Reduce the prevalence of anaemia among adolescent girls and women (15-49 years) to 38 per cent or less.

Current Situation

  • Under-nutrition is the prime risk factor in over 40 per cent of under-five child deaths.
  • Children with under-nutrition, anaemia and iodine deficiency ....

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