Miyawaki’ Method: Developing Forest Using Japanese Method

  • 15 Jun 2024

Displaying a sensible approach towards the environment, the ‘Young India Group’ in Chhattisgarh’s capital, Raipur, has developed a mini-forest through the Japanese ‘Miyawaki’ method.

Key Points

  • The ‘Miyawaki’ method requires a small space where saplings are planted very closely so that they allow young trees to protect each other and block sunlight from hitting the forest’s ground.
  • 2,500 saplings of various varieties, including mango, neem, banyan, medicinal plants, and others, have been planted in an area of around 5,000 square feet.
  • To combat rising air pollution in Raipur, Young India Group volunteers planted saplings at Gandhi Udyan using the Miyawaki method in September 2023, creating a mini-forest in less than a year.