Organized Crimes in India

Organised crime involves complex and highly centralised enterprises set up for the purpose of engaging in illegal activities. Such organisations engage in offences such as cargo theft, fraud, robbery, kidnapping, etc.

Organised crime is a category of transnational, national, or local groupings of highly centralised enterprises run by criminals.

Types of Organised Crimes

  • Smuggling
  • Terrorism & Narco-Terrorism
  • Money Laundering & Hawala
  • Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking
  • Contract Killings
  • Kidnapping for Ransom
  • Illegal Immigration, etc.

Linkages between Terrorists and Organised Crime

  • Because of poor leadership and a lack of effective law and order, organised crime and terrorism thrive in a nation.
  • Terrorists can benefit from organized crime as a ....
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