Nyingma Sect of Buddhism

Recently, the Nyingma sect of the Tibetan Buddhist circles has identified a boy from Spiti in Himachal Pradesh as the reincarnation of the late Taklung Setrung Rinpoche.

About Nyingma Sect: It is the oldest of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism.

  • It is also often referred to as Ngangyur.
  • It is practiced under the Vajrayana School of Buddhism.
  • It traces its origins back to the Buddha Samantabhadra, Vajrasattva, and Garab Dorje of Uddiyana.
  • The most important source of the Nyingma order is the Indian Guru, Padmasambhava, the founder of the Nyingma Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, who came to Tibet in the eighth century ....
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