Decarbonizing Agriculture Sector

Decarbonisation is the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions through the use of low carbon power sources, achieving a lower output of greenhouse gasses.

Challenges in Decarbonizing Agriculture

  • Poor and Marginal Farmers
  • Competing Choices
  • Size of Livestock
  • Uncertain Techniques
  • Awareness and Incentives

Methods for Decarbonization of the Agriculture Sector

  • Agriculture methods and practices like Regenerative farming, Precision farming, right amount of nitrogen;
  • Carbon Farming;
  • Decarbonizing Livestock Farming;
  • Alternate Cropping reduces biogenic methane emissions;
  • Micro-irrigation with automation and adoption of low water-intensive species;
  • Agro-forestry; Bio-energy from Farm Waste like Manure-based community biogas plants; Checking Food Wastage;
  • Effective land management; and Gene editing.

Steps have been taken by the Government for ....

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