Census 2011 Data on Senior Citizens

Population (2011) (Figures in crore)

  • All India Population: Persons: 121.05 (Males: 62.31; Females: 58.74)
  • Population of senior Citizens (60+): Persons 10.38 (males: 5.10; Females: 5.28)
  • As % of total: Persons: 8.57% (Males 8.20%; Females: 8.99%)
  • The share of female senior citizens is highest in the State of Uttar Pradesh (0.74 cr.), followed by Maharashtra (0.58cr) and Andhra Pradesh (0.44 cr.).
  • The population of male senior citizens is highest in Uttar Pradesh (0.80 cr.), followed by Maharashtra (0.52 cr.) and Bihar (0.41).
  • The number of senior citizens in the total population is highest in Uttar Pradesh (15.44 cr.), followed by Maharashtra (11.10 cr.) and ....

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