All India Population: Persons: 121.05 (Males: 62.31; Females: 58.74)
Population of senior Citizens (60+): Persons 10.38 (males: 5.10; Females: 5.28)
As % of total: Persons: 8.57% (Males 8.20%; Females: 8.99%)
The share of female senior citizens is highest in the State of Uttar Pradesh (0.74 cr.), followed by Maharashtra (0.58cr) and Andhra Pradesh (0.44 cr.).
The population of male senior citizens is highest in Uttar Pradesh (0.80 cr.), followed by Maharashtra (0.52 cr.) and Bihar (0.41).
The number of senior citizens in the total population is highest in Uttar Pradesh (15.44 cr.), followed by Maharashtra (11.10 cr.) and ....