What are the criteria used for determination of 'Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups' (PVTGs)? Mention the problems faced by these tribal groups alongwith the measures taken by the government to address them.

Answer: Dhebar Commission (1973) recognised highly backward tribal groups as the 'Primitive Tribal Groups' (PTGs), and they were changed to 'Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups' (PVTGs) in the year 2006. At present there are 75 PVTGs notified in 18 States and Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Criteria for Determination of PVTGs

  • Pre-agricultural level of technology;
  • Stable or declining population;
  • Extremely low literacy; and
  • Subsistence level of the economy.

Problems of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups

  • The main problems of all PVTGs include low level of education, malnutrition and poor health conditions. Also, in the absence of their adequate survey, there is ....
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