Who exactly are Nihangs? What distinguished Nihangs from other Sikhs and Sikh warriors? What is their significance in Sikh history?

Answer: Nihang is a Sikh warrior order. They are distinguished by blue robes, antique weapons such as swords and spears, and decorated turbans topped with steel quoits. Nihangs strictly adhere to the Khalsa code of conduct. They do not swear allegiance to any earthly lord. They place a blue Nishan Sahib (flag) atop their shrines instead of saffron.

The Persian word ‘nihang’ means alligator, sword, and pen, but the characteristics of Nihangs appear to derive more from the Sanskrit word ‘nihshank’, which means fearless, unblemished, pure, carefree, and indifferent to worldly gains and comfort.

  • According to legend, they originated with ....
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