Over the last several years, coal bed methane (CBM) has emerged as an important energy source worldwide and is expected to play a significant role in the energy portfolio of the future.Discuss theimportance and also the environmental concerns with the methane gasextraction from its source.

Approach of the Answer

  • Introduction: Define Coal Bed Methane and give its importance
  • Body: Discuss process of extraction and associated challenges
  • Conclusion:Conclude by summarising your answer and suggesting some measures to overcome these concerns.


Coal bed methane (CBM) is a form of natural gas which can be recovered from coal deposits or coal seams.The methane is held underground within the coal and is extracted by drilling into the coal seam and removing the groundwater. The resulting drop in pressure causes the methane to be released from the coal.

Generally, it consists predominantly of methane gas (CH4) although it can contain trace ....

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