Champaran was the starting point of the strategy that Gandhiji was to employ over the next 30 years to galvanise millions into one of history’s biggest mass movements against perhaps the greatest imperial power of all time. Comment.

Approach of the Answer

  • Introduction: Introduce by writing about the Champaran movement, it’s ideals and practices.
  • Body: State in the chronological orderhow these ideals and practices were applied in future movements by Gandhiji.
  • Conclusion: Write about the ideals adopted by Gandhiji in general, which made Indian national movement a success.

Champaran saw the earliest demonstration of the Gandhian political strategy — an attack on the existing structure using constitutional space available within the structure, in combination with elements ofextra-constitutional struggle; the employment of moral force against an adversary who was, in its self-image, an exemplar of the rule of law.

Champaran ....

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