Cave Architecture

Ajanta Caves (2nd Cen. BCE to 7th Cen. CE)

  • Were first mentioned by Chinese pilgrim Huen Tsang who visited India between 629 -645 AD and later on accidentally “discovered” in 1819 by a colonial British officer Captain John Smith on a tiger-hunting party.
  • Thirty cave temples at Ajanta are set into the rocky sides of a crescent shaped gorge in the Sahyadri hills in Aurangabad, Maharashtra.
  • 5 caves are Chaitya-grihas, & rest are Viharas (monasteries).
  • Caves depict a large number of incidents from the life of the Buddha (Jataka Tales).
  • The Ajanta Caves are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Ellora Caves (5th-13th ....

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