In light of accusation by Central Board of Direct Taxes on Micro Labs Ltd. (Dolo-650 makers) of supplying freebies worth approximately Rs. 1000 Crores to doctors to prescribe the drug, highlight the concerned ethical issues.

Answer: The accusation by Central Board of Direct Taxes on Micro Labs Ltd. (Dolo-650 makers) of supplying freebies worth approximately Rs. 1000 Crores to doctors to prescribe the drug puts a question on healthcare ethics.

The ethical issues involved are:

  • It’s the moral responsibility of doctors and pharmaceutical companies to have service to humanity as their principle objective; reward or financial gain is a subordinate consideration.
  • A doctor should not receive any gift, gratuity, commission in return of referring a particular drug or treatment.
  • Doctor-pharmaceutical firm nexus for unethical drug promotion can adversely influence doctors’ prescription attitudes and harm human ....
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