Tholu Bommalata

  • Also known as Tholu Bommalu or Tholu Bommalata, this form of shadow-puppet theatre is popular in several regions of Andhra Pradesh. Tholu bommalata literally means the dance (atta) of the leather (tholu) puppets (bommalu).
  • The core of the performance is represented by epic stories based on the Ramayana and to a lesser extent on the Mahabarata and some Vaishnava texts.
  • Places like Nimmalakunta in Ananthapur district, Narsaraopet in Guntur district and D.C. Palle in Nellore district are considered the main centers of leather puppet industry in Andhra Pradesh. In Nimmalakunta, artisans practice this as a hereditary craft.
  • The community engaged in this form ....
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