( Amanpreet Singh, B.A. (History, Economics, Pol. Science, Punjabi, English), Ludhiana, Punjab , Via: E-Mail )
CSC: Dear Amanpreet, as you are preparing for CSE 2020, you have plenty of time to prepare for the exam. It’s wonderful that you have already started to prepare for the exam early on.
Prepare a timetable as to how you want to manage your college studies. Are you a morning person or an evening person? If you are an early riser, study for CSE exams in the morning and study and revise your college notes in the evening after coming from the college. Look for a period of time that you feel will be productive for you.
Keep adjusting the time and according to your needs. If you keep up a good routine, you will be able to set a pace and could study for hours without feeling tired.
Also, side by side keep making notes so that you could easily revise when you want to.
Utlise your time wisely. If your optional is similar tothe subjects that you are studying in the college, it will helpyou immensely as you won’t have to learn and studydifferently.
From your biodata, it is clear that you are studying a whole lot of subjects which have syllabus similar to CSE. This will give you an added advantage in the exam.
Also, keep a progress report so that you will know how much you have studied and it will also give you a sense of progress.
Make sure that you are utilising your time wisely.
You can read notes while commuting to the college or some other place. Paste a map above your study table and you could easily make reference to it. Also you can put notes on your make shift study wall so that you can also read those notes just before going to bed.
Finally make yourself curious about things. Read newspapers diligently. Make notes about them. Try to find ‘why’ and ‘how’ behind things. This will help you in developing analytical bent of mind.
UPSC will ask such questions in Mains and you will realise that you are able to answer those questions easily.
So, keep studying and all the best for your preparation.