Socio-Economic Issues, Reforms, Challenges & Development For UPSC GS-3

Socio-Economic Issues, Reforms, Challenges & Development For UPSC GS-3

This book covers all socio-economic issues, reforms, challenges & development in a systematic and comprehensive manner with the latest data and facts including constitutional provisions. Content based on General Studies Prelims & Mains syllabus and Economic Mains Questions for UPSC GS-3

About the book of Socio-Economic Issues, Reforms, Challenges & Development

Economy Previous Year Questions (PYQ) Solved Paper GS 3

In General Studies, although questions of about 50 marks in the Prelims and 150 marks in the Mains examination of Union Public Service Commission and State Public Service Commissions are asked from this section, there is no specific or dedicated book on this subject

About N.N. Ojha Master Series Books: Economy Previous Year Questions (PYQ)

  • These books have been written by N.N. Ojha Sir and his team. N.N. Ojha Sir’s rich and varied experience in writing books and magazines for civil services examinations spans 33 years. Since 1990, under his expert supervision and guidance, thousands of IAS/PCS aspirants have achieved success and realized their dreams.
  • N.N. Ojha Master Series books have been developed exclusively for UPSC & State PSCs General Studies papers for Prelims and Mains Examinations.
  • N.N. Ojha Master Series: General Studies Marks Booster Books for Civil Services Prelims and Mains.

Socio-Economic book Mains Contents: Economic Mains Questions for UPSC GS-3

1. An Introduction to Socio-Economic Development

  • Evolution of ‘Concept of Development’
  • Concepts of Socio-Economic Development
  • Socio-Economic Development in India
  • Measuring Socio-Economic Development
  • Socio-Economic Disparity in India
  • Social Exclusion and Structural Discrimination in India
  • Criticism to India’s Socio Economic Policy

2. Human Development

  • Concept of Human Development
  • Measuring Human Development
  • Human Development in India
  • Government Interventions for Human Development
  • Criticisms to Human Development in India
  • Way Forward

3. Sustainable Development

  • Concept of Sustainable Development
  • Pillars of Sustainable Development
  • Sustainable Development: Genesis & Evolution
  • Government Initiatives to Promote Sustainable Development
  • Principles of Sustainable Development
  • Assessment of Sustainable Development
  • Criticism of Sustainable Development Policies in India

4. Inclusive Growth

  • Concept of Inclusive Growth
  • Dimensions of Inclusive Growth
  • Global Agenda for Inclusive Development
  • Inclusive Growth in India
  • Need for Inclusive Growth in India
  • Inclusive Growth Strategy in India
  • Challenges for Inclusive Growth in India
  • Measuring Inclusive Growth
  • Way Forward

5. Social Security

  • Concept of Social Security
  • Need for Social Security
  • Objectives of Social Security
  • Impact of Social Security
  • Social Security in India
  • Constitutional Mandate for Social Security
  • Judicial Intervention
  • Social Security Legislations in India
  • Issues Related to the Social Security Legislations in India
  • Recommendations for the Improvement
  • Indices on Social Security

6. Financial Inclusion

  • Concept of Financial Inclusion
  • Evolution of Financial Inclusion in India
  • Status of Financial Inclusion in India
  • Government Initiatives in India
  • Challenges to Financial Inclusion in India
  • Way Forward

7. Poverty

  • Concept of Poverty
  • Perspectives or Approaches on Poverty
  • Basic Causes of Poverty
  • Vicious Cycle of Poverty
  • World Pattern of Poverty
  • Poverty in India
  • Recent Poverty Trends
  • Historical Aspect of Measuring Poverty in India
  • Poverty Alleviation Strategy:
  • Genesis and Evolution
  • Critical Assessment of Poverty Alleviation Schemes
  • Way Forward

8. Inequality

  • Concept of Inequality
  • Measurement of Inequality
  • Global Inequality
  • Inequality in India
  • Causes of Persistent Income Inequality in India
  • Impact of Inequality
  • Measures to Counter Inequality
  • Government Initiatives

9. Hunger & Malnutrition

  • Basics of Hunger & Malnutrition
  • Causes of Hunger and Malnutrition
  • Measurement of Hunger and GHI
  • India on GHI
  • Hunger & Malnutrition in India
  • Impact of Hunger & Malnutrition
  • Countering Hunger & Malnutrition

10. Food Security

  • Concept of Food Security
  • Food Security in India
  • Minimum Support Price (MSP
  • Public Distribution System and Food Security
  • Way Forward

11. Healthcare in India

  • What is Health
  • Factors for Good Health
  • Healthcare System in India
  • Moving Health to Concurrent List
  • Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
  • Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy
  • Health Care Status in India
  • Health Indicators
  • Health Status with respect to MDGs
  • Status of Health SDGs in India
  • Issues Associated with Healthcare Infrastructure in India
  • Government Interventions
  • Challenges to Healthcare System in India
  • Suggestions for Improvement

12. Education in India

  • Development of Education in India
  • International Efforts for Children’s Education
  • Reports, Committees and Policies Related to Education
  • Current Status of Education in India
  • School Education
  • Higher Education in India

13. Employment in India

  • Concepts of Employment
  • Employment: Trends in India
  • India Employment Report 2024
  • Estimation of Employment & Unemployment
  • Types of Unemployment
  • Global Status of Unemployment
  • Women’s Participation in Economic Activities
  • Indian Institutions Related to Employment Survey
  • Way Forward

14. Universal Basic Income (UBI

  • Concept of UBI
  • Characteristics of UBI
  • Negative Income Tax (NIT
  • UBI Experiments in India and World
  • Challenges Associated with UBI
  • Critical Appraisal of UBI in India

15. Child & Adolescent in India

  • Definition of a Child
  • Status of Children in India
  • Important Indicators
  • Major Problems of Children
  • Constitutional Rights of Children
  • International Covenants for the Rights of Children
  • Government Interventions for Children’s Development
  • Way Forward

16. Women in India

  • Status of Women in India
  • Empowering Women & Promoting Gender Equity in India
  • Key Indicators of Socio-Economic Status of Women in India
  • Global Gender Gap Report 2023
  • Missing Girls
  • Causes of Discrimination and Inequality
  • Constitutional & Legal Provisions for Women in India
  • International Conventions
  • India’s Ongoing Policy Intervention for Women Development

17. Senior Citizens

  • India’s Changing Population Landscape
  • Challenges of Aging Population
  • Index on Quality of Life for Elderly
  • Welfare of Old Age People
  • International Covenants/ Initiatives
  • Statutory Measures Adopted for Old Aged People
  • India’s Policy Response to Ageing
  • Way Forward

18. Scheduled Castes in India

  • A Brief History of Scheduled Castes
  • Population of Scheduled Castes in India
  • Sex Ratio of Scheduled Castes
  • Literacy Rate of Scheduled Castes
  • Status of Scheduled Castes in India
  • Declaring a Community as a Scheduled Caste
  • Constitutional Safeguards
  • Statutory Safeguards
  • Institutional Support
  • Welfare Schemes for SCs in India
  • Way Forward

19. Scheduled Tribes in India

  • Concept of Scheduled Tribes
  • De-notified, Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribes
  • Status of Scheduled Tribes in India
  • Development of Scheduled Tribes in India
  • Constitutional Provisions
  • Committees/Commission on Tribals
  • Problems of Tribal Communities
  • Constitutional Safeguards for Scheduled Tribes
  • Scheduled and Tribal Areas
  • Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996
  • Statutes and Legislations for Scheduled Tribes
  • Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006
  • Tribal Panchsheel
  • Programmes & Policies Related to Scheduled Tribes
  • Institutional Measures for STs
  • Constraints in Developmental Intervention for Scheduled Castes
  • Way Forward

20. Other Backward Classes

  • Internal Differentiation of the OBCs
  • Demographic Profile
  • Sanskritization and Social Mobility
  • Backward Classes Movements and their Politico-Economic Emergence
  • Government Intervention

21. Minorities

  • Concept of Minority
  • Safeguards for Minorities in India
  • Problems Faced by Minorities in India
  • Committees Related to Minorities
  • Schemes/ Initiatives to address Issues of Minorities

22. LGBT

  • Concept of LGBT
  • Evolution of the Rights of LGBT People in India
  • Status of LGBT in India
  • Problems Faced by LGBT People
  • Law and Policy Framework
  • Welfare Schemes for LGBT in India
  • Statutory Legislations

23. Differently-Abled Persons (Divyangjan)

  • Defining Disability
  • Status of Persons with Disabilities in India
  • Problems associated with Differently-Abled Persons
  • Reservation and Promotions for Differently-abled Persons
  • Debate over Reservation
  • Government Interventions
  • Parliamentary Legislations & Constitutional Safeguards
  • International Initiatives and Conventions
  • Key Imperatives for Empowering PwDs
  • National Institutes working in the field of Disability
  • General Legal Provisions Related to the Disabled
  • Way Forward

24. Alcoholism and Drug Abuse

  • Definitions of Terms associated with Addiction
  • Magnitude of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
  • Why Do People Abuse Drugs?
  • Theories Related to Drug Abuse
  • Types of Commonly Abused Drugs
  • Adverse Impacts of Alcohol and Drug Abuse
  • Drugs, Crime and the Society
  • Treatment Modalities and Approaches
  • Government Interventions

25. Agrarian Distress in India

  • Agrarian Distress Survey
  • Underlying Reasons for A grarian Distress in India
  • Government Initiatives
  • Enduring Solutions to Counter Agrarian Distress
  • Way Forward

26. Rural Development in India

  • Concept of Rural Development
  • Scope & Importance of Rural Development
  • SDG Targets Related to Rural Development
  • Rural Development in India
  • Rural Development Research Institutes
  • Problems in Rural Development
  • Way Forward

27. Regional Imbalance

  • Concept of Regional Imbalance
  • Types of Regional Imbalance/Disparity
  • Regional Imbalance in India
  • Committees on Regional Imbalance
  • Indicators of Regional Imbalances in India
  • Causes of Regional Imbalances
  • Consequences of Regional Imbalance
  • Government Interventions to Counter Regional Imbalance
  • Incentives for Promoting Investment in Backward Regions
  • Way Forward

28. Demography of India

  • Census: Basic Concepts and Definitions
  • Census Process
  • 15th Census in India (2011)
  • Major Highlights of Census 2011
  • India’s Demographic Dividend
  • Young Population in India
  • Aging Population in India
  • Important Facts

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Availability In-Stock
Language English
Product Type Print Edition
Edition 2024
Book Code 370
Shipment Free
No. of Pages 290
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