Over 50% Cotton Farmers in Gujarat, Maharashtra Face Crop Loss

  • 01 Oct 2024

A new report reveals that more than half of cotton farmers in Gujarat and Maharashtra have suffered major or complete crop loss due to climate disasters like floods and droughts over the last five years.

Key Points

  • Crop Losses Due to Floods and Droughts: Over 50% of cotton farmers surveyed in Gujarat and Maharashtra experienced significant crop losses, with many facing either major or complete damage caused by recurring floods and droughts.
  • Extreme Weather Conditions: About two-thirds of the 360 surveyed farmers reported facing longer dry spells, higher temperatures, and more extreme heat events, with these climate factors threatening their livelihoods.
  • Geographical Vulnerabilities: India's western and central regions, including Gujarat and Maharashtra, are particularly prone to droughts, while the northern and northeastern zones face heightened risks of extreme flooding, making smallholder cotton farmers increasingly vulnerable.
  • Global Cotton Production at Risk: As the world’s largest cotton producer, India’s climate risks put both local livelihoods and the global textile supply chain in jeopardy, with smallholder farmers, especially women, bearing the brunt of the crisis.
  • Limited Access to Insurance: While about two-thirds of farmers have crop insurance (81% in Maharashtra and 42% in Gujarat), access to other forms of insurance like livestock or health insurance remains limited, with one-third of farmers lacking access to any government support schemes.
  • Coping Mechanisms: Farmers have employed various strategies to mitigate losses, such as diversifying crops, taking loans for irrigation, or dipping into savings. However, some are forced to sell land or livestock, and a few have even reduced healthcare usage or food consumption.