Standardised Age-Rating System in India

  • 28 Aug 2024

On 26th August 2024, the All-India Game Developers' Forum (AIGDF) called for the development of a standardised age-rating system for games in India to protect users from content-related harms and promote a regulated and responsible gaming sector.

Key Points

  • Current Regulatory Gap: India, with 425 million gamers, lacks a standardised age-rating framework, even though the amended IT Rules 2021 mandate safeguards like age-rating mechanisms for online games.
  • Benefits and Risks of Gaming: While gaming can enhance creativity, problem-solving skills, and cognition in younger users, unregulated content poses risks, making responsible industry practices essential for child safety and mental well-being.
  • Adoption of Foreign Rating Systems: In the absence of a domestic rating system, Indian game publishers rely on foreign-origin rating systems, which may not fully resonate with Indian consumers.
  • Industry Call for Action: AIGDF spokesperson Roland Landers advocates for a robust framework to protect younger gamers as the industry grows, emphasizing the need for parental controls, age verification systems, and collaboration among stakeholders to ensure responsible growth in India's gaming sector.