
  • India witnessed sharper increase in acreage of horticulture crops compared to foodgrains over the last five years (from 2012 to 2014-15).
  • Between 2012 to 2014-15 there has been an increase of 10% in horticulture production compared to an increase of 6% in foodgrains.
  • Since 2012-13, the production of horticulture has outpaced the production of foodgrains.
  • Over the last decade, the area under horticulture increased by about 3.1% per annum and annual production increased by about 6%.
  • During 2015-16 the production of horticulture crops was about 286.2 million tonnes from an area of 24.47 million hectares.
  • The production of fruits has increased from 28,632 thousand tonnes ....
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