Financial Planning For Centenary And Annual Programs
- Whether Government has made any financial plan for the art and culture promotion scheme, museum promotion, international co-operation centenary and annual programs of the Ministry during the year 2022-23 and 2023-24, if so, the details thereof; and
- Whether Government has prepared any action plan for Central autonomous bodies, museums, academies, libraries and other cultural institutions across the country, if so, the details thereof?
Answered By: Minister of Culture Tourism and Development of North Eastern Region Shri G. Kishan Reddy on 06.4.2023
(a) Ministry of Culture is administering six Central Sector Schemes, and its financial plan for the implementation of promotion of art and culture, museum promotion, international co-operation, centenary and annual programs during the years 2022-23 and 2023-24 as mentioned below.
- Centenaries and Anniversaries Scheme
- Kala Sanskriti Vikas Yojana
- Development of Museum
- Development of Libraries & Archives
- Global Engagement & International Cooperation
- National Mission on Cultural Mapping and Roadmap
(b) As per the mandate of Ministry of Culture, the Ministry deals with the Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage of India.
- This heritage encompasses several strands including monuments and archaeology, folk and tribal art, literature, archives, library, performing arts including music dance and drama, visual arts in the form of paintings, sculptures and graphics.
- All activities of the Ministry relating to promotion, preservation and conservation of the Cultural Heritage of the Country are implemented through a network of two attached offices, 7 subordinate offices and 34 autonomous organizations under its control and number of schemes directly operated by the Ministry for promotion and dissemination of Art & Culture.
- Its activities, projects and programmes are organized under various schemes of archaeology, museums, archives, anthropology, performing arts, public libraries, Buddhists and Tibetan institutes, centenaries and anniversary, international cultural relations, Gandhi heritage mission.