Pre- Vishakha Judgement Legislation
Protection under Indian Penal Code, 1860
- In absence of any specific law to deal with the offence of sexual harassment, the Indian Penal Code, 1860 is used to punish the offender with respect to the nature of the act committed by him. The following sections of Indian Penal Code, 1860 are cover acts of sexual harassment:
- Sections 209, 292 and 294 which deal with Obscenity
- Section 354 deal with Criminal Force or Assault Intended to Outrage Modesty
- Section 375 deals with the offence of Rape
- Section 509 deals with Word, Gesture or Act Intended to Outrage Modesty of women
Indecent Representation of ....
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Social Justice
- 1 Recommendations of the Justice Verma Committee
- 2 Vishaka and Others Vs State of Rajasthan 1997
- 3 Indian Constitution on Sexual Harassment
- 4 Sexual Harassment at Workplace
- 5 UN’s Efforts towards Gender Equal World
- 6 Pam Rajput Committee on the Status of Women
- 7 Contemporary Statutory Measures
- 8 Evolution of Legislation and Policies for Women
- 9 Intervention through Programmes and Schemes
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