​Pashmina Shawl

Recently, Indian Prime Minister, during his three-day visit to the US, gifted a Pashmina shawl in a papier-mâché box to US First Lady Jill Biden.

  • Originating from Kashmir, Pashmina shawls are known for their exceptional craftsmanship and the use of fine Ladakhi Cashmere wool, collected traditionally by the Changpa tribe of Ladakh.
  • The word "Pashmina" is derived from the Persian word "Pashm," which means "soft gold" or "soft wool."

Raw Material

  • The raw material used for Pashmina shawls is a king of fibers known as Pashmina.
  • Pashmina is a down fibre or under coat derived from domestic goat known as Capra hircus ....
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